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Last month Thoughtworks Ecuador relaunched their monthly tech meetups (known as Geek Nights) with a new name: ComparTI / Tech Stage. In this first one I had the opportunity to talk about one of the trendiest practice in software development: microservices.
The event was quite a success! During and after the presentation the audience had the chance to talk about their experiences and ask their questions, which lead to a few really good conversations that helped us closing the evening on a good note.
Some people asked me extra resources that they could use to know more about the subject, so below you can find some links and books related to what we talked in the session:
- Post in Martin Fowler’s blog (with James Lewis) about microservices.
- Article in InfoQ that explains the difference between SOA & Web Services.
- More about the concept You build it, you run it
- Also in Martin Fowler’s blog: How to test microservices
- Post in Paul Hammant’s blog on monolithics, microservices & cookie-cutter.
- Some lessons learnt after working with microservices in the Insights section of Thoughtworks
- A free sample of Sam Newman’s book “Building Microservices”.